Under construction!

A little notification pops up reminding me that it’s now a year since I started this journey of blogging and sharing with WordPress.

A year that seems to have flown by too quickly. There’s a mountain of digital images still waiting to surface on this site, to be set free from the constraints of the file explorer system in which they live.

In a year this site has gone from something I thought no one would read or even find, to now gaining it’s own little (but not any less important) following and momentum. A big, and not cheesy thank you to everyone who has stopped to say hello, look or encourage the site along.

It’s also a year in which, as typical as life does, life has thrown a curve ball. The purest of intentions of sharing daily might not have been met just yet, and there’s been one sulky face at whenever real life has pulled me away from what I really love to do. No matter the distance of the curve ball, or the strength of it’s force as it plunders through what was known, deep down I still want to photograph everything, pretty and not so pretty. Write a lot, with the words just leaping out of my finger tips, yet my most recent tapping patterns have not been shared for now at least, for the less than rainbows emotions.

Let’s put a new foot forward to the next year on here, and start by saying you will find this site under the construction of the fairies again today. Plenty to upload, although if you can’t wait for everything to be finished, the Facebook page has got some sneak peeks of what’s been achieved around everything called life.

Thank you again for reading the ramblings, and viewing those snaps and clicks. Looking forward to greeting more of you to the site in this next year, and discovering more of your own pages too.

For now, it’s time for a cuppa break before the work fairies set in. 🙂

Rose-Sky Journey Pieces.

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